Andrew Barnes
Entrepreneur and Founder of the 4 Day Week Global Foundation
Andrew Barnes is the Founder of the 4 Day Week Global Foundation. A pioneer in this space, first trialling a 4 day week at his own company Perpetual Guardian in New Zealand, the trials huge success sparked widespread international interest. Today Barnes and the 4 Day Week Global Foundation are conducting the largest trials across the world with over 250 companies taking part.

Anne-Marie Lister
Chief People Officer
at Atom Bank
Anne-Marie Lister is the Chief People Officer at Atom bank. For the last eight years she has been responsible for building and scaling people systems, processes, the working environment, and culture of the award-winning team that launched the UK’s first app only bank.

Indy Lachhar
Global HR Director - Robert Walters & Walters People
Indy Lachhar is the Global HR Director at Robert Walters & Walters People. She has worked across all three brands the Robert Walters Group over the past 7 years in various roles and developed and implemented many projects including the Group Talent Development Strategy.